Tete a Tete Daffodil Bulbs - Dwarf Daffodils by Jamieson Brothers®
Jamieson Brothers Dwarf Daffodil Bulbs - Tete a Tete
Jamieson Brothers Dwarf Daffodils - Tete a Tete
Working alondside our supplier we have brought you the best available bulbs for your gardening enjoyment. Tete a Tete is one of the most popular miniature daffodil varieties. it produces a bright yellow flower which only grows to 15cm. Add a pop of springtime colour to your garden.
Plant August - December
As with most plants, giving your daffodils a good start at planting time will give you the best display. If your soil is compacted break it up with a garden fork and work in plenty of organic matter such as well-rotted manure or compost.
Daffodils like a moist but free draining soil. Choose a sunny or semi-shaded spot which receives at least 3 hours of sun per day, daffodils won't flower in heavy shade.
If flowering is poor you can top-dress the soil around your daffodils with a slow-release bulb fertiliser each spring. Simply sprinkle the fertiliser around the soil at the base of the leaves. Plant your daffodil bulbs with the pointed end facing upwards at a depth of about 10cm (4in). Deep planting is important to prevent the bulbs dividing and producing lots of small bulbs which won't flower. Space them about two bulb-widths apart.
CAUTION: Ornamental bulbs are not edible and can be a skin irritant.